TWH Live

Basement Rock - Funk For All


TWH Live - Practice
TWH Live - Practice

Possibly the last practice in the Mvnchquarium, we covered some classics, some covers, a few new ones, and swang some others right out.   Look for The Way Homers’ new record in February, “Where Are We and What Key Is It”

  • The Chimpotle Condition
  • Fizzytime
  • Get Out My Life Woman
  • Duckk Tappe and Ye Super Glooe
  • ‘SLooped
  • Live Life Free
  • Honky Tonk Woman
  • Trick Bag
  • Dessert Song (The Peyote Coyote)
  • Sea Between Us
  • Testify
  • Luckiest Man
  • Boogie Hookers As In To Swing
  • Lottery One

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