TWH Live

Basement Rock - Funk For All


TWH Live - Practice
TWH Live - Practice

An exciting and inconsistent, possibly incontinent effort featuring a six-pack full of new songs and some zesty interpretations of Classic Homerz.  New songs include “Hard Times”, “Love Man”, “You’re So Vain”, “Loser”, “Dreams to Remember”, and a new original, “Rain and Sunshine Blues”.

PLEASE NOTE: The songs are not necessarily recorded in the order presented here.  Platinum-level The Way Homers Club members are only required to listen up to “Love Man”.  For those wishing to adventure on, a helmet is advised.

DO at least listen to the start of the podcast which is “Boogie Hookers” and you won’t believe the special sauce that makes this one cook.  It might be the kick drum, it might be the bass, but it ain’t!  The real magic is that rhythm guitar with reverse-delay on it.  Possibly on porpoise.  Awesomnosity.

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