TWH Live

Basement Rock - Funk For All


TWH Live - Practice
TWH Live - Practice

A bassless practice, so something extra is off on these.  To top it off, we don’t even play Drake Ale. So. I dunno who does these but they’re missing out on some good titles.

Anyway, a couple of versions of a new one, tentatively titled Stompfoot, and a groovy faux-jazz odyssey of sorts called Doug’s Dribble Dunk. Seriously, who names these things. A couple of switched-instrument songs (bonus points for guessing which ones they are).  A wacky All-Slide rendition of Toyota – for some reason, and a brief impression of a song we’re calling CheeSunglasa.

Don’t worry, our bass player is safe and sound, turns out he was fighting crime that night but next week we’ll sound even better. Than we do. This week.  Enjoy!

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